Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (2025)

Photo: Kristina Makeeva (Website|Instagram|500px)

As another year quickly comes to a close, it’s safe to say that 2020 was a year unlike any other in our lifetime. The past 12 months have given us a whirlwind of events that included heartbreaking wildfires, a horrifying global pandemic, emboldened protestors fighting for social justice, and a seemingly never-ending political cycle. Emotions really ran the gamut throughout the year—from terror to anger and exasperation to hopefulness and inspiration.

Most of the year was greatly guided by the unknown, taking shape as the devastating COVID-19 pandemic raged on for months (and continues to ravage our world). Over 1.5 million people have died worldwide with over 283,000 of those deaths being in the United States. Travel has nearly completely halted, many businesses have shuttered their doors, unemployment is at unsettlingly high levels, and face masks are now a common accessory in everyday wear. Despite the coronavirus’ deep impact on the entire world, life has managed to move forward as Earth completed another revolution around the Sun, SpaceX successfully delivered astronauts to the ISS, animals were rediscovered, new babies were born, and the United States elected a new President alongside a history-making new Vice President…despite the ongoing pushback.

And through it all, photographers found a way to eloquently document all of these events and capture the beauty in our world. Much like a sculptor with chisel in hand, photographers grabbed their cameras and shared the wondrous scenes around them. Even amidst mandated quarantines, they found a way to capture new perspectives on people, places, and things. Whether it’s the emotional embrace amongst protestors, the empowering stance of a young Black girl fully embodying the beauty of her natural hair, the awe-inspiring scene of natural phenomena within our solar system, or the normally overlooked elegance of everyday birds in one’s own backyard; photographers have truly outdone themselves in this challenging year.

Join us as we take a look back at some of the most breathtaking, heartwarming, wanderlust-inducing, and undoubtedly inspiring photos of 2020.

This year has been filled with a gamut of emotions dominated by our collective reactions to the global pandemic and social unrest; however, photography has helped to not only document these trying times, but to also pave a road to beauty and inspiration. Let’s take a look back at the best photos of 2020.

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (2)

Photo: Fares Micue (Instagram | Saatchi)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (3)

Photo: Mark Harvey (Website|Instagram|Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (4)

Photo: Andy Luten (Website|Facebook|Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (5)

Photo: Evans Baudin (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (6)

Photo: Tobias Baumgaertner (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (7)

Photo: Sebastian Copeland (Website | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (8)

Photo: Pedro Luis Ajuriaguerra Saiz (Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (9)

Photo: Matt Dieterich (Website|Instagram|YouTube|Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (10)

Photo: Mikhail Shcheglov (Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (11)

Photo: Mikko Lagerstedt (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (12)

Photo: Paul M. Smith (Website | Facebook | YouTube)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (13)

Photo: Scott Portelli (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (14)

Photo: Joshua Holko (Website | Facebook | Twitter)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (15)

Photo: Andrew McCarthy (Website | Instagram | YouTube)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (16)

Photo: Kate Miller-Wilson (Website | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (17)

Photo: Kylli Sparre (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (18)

Photo: Ludwig Favre (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (19)

Photo: Lin Yung Cheng (Facebook | Instagram)

Photo: Trung Huy Pham (Website | Instagram)

Photo: Greg Lecoeur (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Photo: Shaaz Jung (Website | Instagram)

Photo: Bachir Moukarzel (Website | Instagram)

Photo: Eric Gross ( Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (25)

Chris Fallows: Website|Facebook|Instagram

Photo: Sergey Gorshkov (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Foto: Mithun H. (Facebook | Instagram)

Photo: Francisco Sojuel (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Photo: Sam Gaby (Website | Instagram)

Photo: Dan Zafra/Capture the Atlas (Website|Facebook|Instagram)

Photo: Helene Havard (Website|Facebook|Instagram|YouTube)

Photo: Nicole Chan (Website|Instagram)

Photo: Ricardo Ghion (Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (34)

Photo: Marcio Cabral (Website|Facebook|Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (35)

Photo: Frank Stelges ( Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (36)

Photo: Roman Robroek (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (37)

Photo: Luke Rasmussen (Website | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (38)

Photo: Lillian Liu (Website | Instagram | Facebook) Model: Theresa (Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (39)

Photo: Joshua Cripps (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (40)

Photo: Miles Herbert of CaptiveLight Photography (Website | Facebook | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (41)

Photo: Cashlie White (Website | Facebook)

Photo: Gregg Segal (Website|Instagram)

Photo: (Drew Gardner: Website|Facebook|Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (44)

Photo: Anthimos Ntagkas (Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (45)

Photo: Anna Ulman (Website | Instagram | Facebook | TikTok)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (46)

Brad Walls: Website|Instagram

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (47)

Georgi Georgiev: Website

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (49)

Erin Sullivan: Website|Instagram |Twitter

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (50)

Cássio Vasconcellos: Website|Facebook |Instagram

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (51)

Karen Waller: Website|Facebook |Instagram

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (52)

Aleks Gjika: Website

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (53)

Marie Simonova: Facebook|Instagram

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (54)

Photo: Bruno Militelli (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (55)

Photo: Alexey Trofimov (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (56)

Photo: CreativeSoul Photography (Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (57)

Photo: Alexis Hunley (Website | Instagram | Twitter)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (58)

Photo: Kate Randall (Website | Instagram)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (59)

Photo: Ari Rex (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (60)

Photo: Kelvin Yuen (Instagram | Facebook)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (61)

Photo: Tim Flach (Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter)

Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (62)

Photo: Arianne Clément (Website | Instagram | Facebook)

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Best of 2020: Top 60+ Photographs From Around the World (2025)


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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.